Mark - I am the dad and Marla and I have been married for almost 16 years and I serve as the pastor of Student Ministries at Bethel Bible Church, Tyler, TX. I am proud to be the father of Kylee (8) and Marcus (16 months). I love anything outdoors - hunting, fishing, running, etc.
Marla - I am the mom and I love my family. I can be found serving at Bethel, having lunch to encourage my friends or be encouraged, on my patio praying for others, or my nose stuck in a good book.
Kylee - I am the big sister and am in the 3rd grade (home schooling this year) . I am the creative one of the family and I love to help people.
Marcus - I am the little brother and am 16 months old. I have the title of being the "Big Surprise" and you can ask my mom and dad about that. I enjoy eating, sleeping (but not at nighttime) and I love to be outside.