Thursday, August 18, 2011

Mark is the blogger of the family. I've always wanted to blog, but you see I put on this rather large PP sign that says "I'm a people pleaser. and what would they think if I mispeled a word? or yet even worse what if I make some sort of grammatical error." well, today at this moment I am "taking every thought captive to make it obedient to Christ." Who cares if I meSs UP. I've got at story to tell! so here goes!

As most of you know, we started the process of adoption for the second time in 2008. We were never more excited about a calling than we were at that moment. Having been through the process once before and watching God work miracles, we were pumped and ready for anything! He led us to pursue adoption in Ethiopia, we began the months worth of paperwork, financial fundraising, and the slow and steady education to our family and friends.
We felt completely at peace with the direction God had led us and waited with great anticipation the referral of our sweet little one. As we began the wait I became very ill. Thinking I would have to have some sort of major medical overhaul, due to a very serious diagnosis of endometriosis, we wondered if it would cause any delays in our adoption process. Well, sure enough, it was going to delay us 9 months plus! I was pregnant...after 13 years of infertility, 3 IUIs, 2 failed invitro attempts, God said... "here you go!" What? Ok, fast forward, beautiful healthy baby boy, a hormonal mom recovering from HELP syndrome and an appendectomy, and the rest of the family picking of the pieces. So, baby boy was doing well and I quickly got back on my feet and hit the ground running.
And then it hit me... we have an adoption on hold. So, now what? we had invested so much time, money, and energy, I hated for it to just go to waste. I began praying like a good Christian should. "Lord, do we continue? We know adoption is a beautiful thing. We believe in it, love it, and are so thankful for adoption. However, we now have a beautiful daughter and handsome son and they each have their own room. My husband is a pastor and you know what they make. We must be reasonable when planning for the future, right Lord? Well we want what you want. Okay? Okay!
At this point we had just a few months to make a decision.
Haggai 1:9 "You looked for much, and behold, it came to little, And when you brought it home, I blew it away. Why? declares the LORD of hosts. Because of my house that lies in ruins, while each of you busies himself with his own house." "BAM!" there it was! Marla, "Consider your ways. Consider your ways." What are your priorities? To make sure each child has their own room, all the toys and clothes they could want, and a good education? I have said " 'Religion that is pure and undefiled before God, the Father, is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world.' And for you that means let me finish what I have started!" So, Mark and I both said, Yes, LORD!
9 months later we had our referral!
I've never seen such eyes as when I saw my baby girl. Eyes that told a story of deep love and loss. I began to long for the day to look into those dark eyes and say, "Daddy and Mommy are here to take you home."
January, 29, 2011, we boarded a plane, resting in our Sovereign Lord! Already exhausted I subsided in my seat, with my sick 17 month old, my 8 year old, my very ill husband, and my dear dear friend to travel the 18 hours for a glimpse into those beautiful eyes!
God truly rocked my world from the moment I stepped off the plane with a deep-rooted love for Ethiopia it's people. I cried as I was hugged, and kissed, and greeted by all of our precious BJoe girls!
On Monday, we arrived at the Gladney Foster Care home, were given detailed instructions, and headed into the room. The sight of naked babies bathing in the sun melted my heart, and they calmed my anxious heart a little. We then walked through the door to a room full of energetic toddlers dancing, singing, and playing. Most of them came bounding up to us to see what type of treasures we had brought them. And then in the crowd of bubbly children I spot those beautiful eyes. Reserved, and yet, curious. As I cautiously approached her, to offer her a sticker, she slowly held out her smooth, beautiful brown, hand. Oh how I wanted to grab her in my arms and hold her close! After three more days of brief but precious visits, a positive court hearing, and many more sights to take in, we boarded a plane to head back home.
We were hopeful to receive a positive opinion fairly quickly along with a return date to bring home our "Joy." That however, was not the case and with many obstacles in our way and after months and months of nothing, we began to plead with our Creator to move the Mountains in our way! We knew that He is Faithful to complete what He has started! We knew He holds the universe in His Hands! We knew his mercies are new each morning! And with all that we knew He began to reveal even more and drew us into His arms as we cried "Abba, Father." On our knees, through dozens of tears, we bowed humbly before our Holy God requesting that she be officially our daughter before rainy season hit and the courts closed. Family and Friends and even strangers were also pleading with God on our behalf as well. And then, it happened, exactly one week before the courts closed, our caseworker called and said it is done! She is yours! "Praise God!" I squealed and then began to weep for "Joy!"
We are still today praising God while we anxiously wait for an embassy date. Our story is not complete yet, but we know and Trust our Redeemer as he places us on the plane to travel the 18 hours, drive to the foster care center, pass the naked babies sun bathing, enter the white room filled with cribs, and look deep into those beautiful dark, eyes and say,"Daddy and Mommy are here to take you home, Ufayse, our "JOY!"
We covet your continued prayers!

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Meet Ufayse Ana Kuykendall


We could not be more excited to finally introduce you to our new daughter, Ufayse (O-Fi-Say) Ana Kuykendall. We want to share a little about our new pride and joy.
She was born December 10, 2008, in the southern region of Ethiopia. Her name means JOY and HAPPINESS. We were able to meet her for the first time this past January, and she is already changing so much. We are told she is the "Princess" and everyone caters to her. She loves stickers, bubbles and baby dolls. She is very reserved and cautious towards new faces. We are eager to acclimate her into our family.

We are currently waiting on submission to the US Embassy in Ethiopia. We are told this process will take about 4-8 weeks. We are hoping to travel back to Ethiopia sometime in September.

We want to thank everyone that has been praying and supporting us during this whole process. We have learned much about ourselves and our sovereign God. We can't wait for her to meet you all.

HOSEA 14:3

In you the orphan finds mercy.